BIO202H5 Lecture 6: BIO202 WINTER 2016 LECTURE 6

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26 May 2016

Document Summary

Lecture 6: feeding and digestion (1) reynolds number: feeding challenges for small animals. Suspended small particles are abundant in aquatic habitats. Many more aquatic animals are suspension feeders (feeding on debris, phytoplankton, zooplankton) Reynolds number = (size x velocity x density) / viscosity. Small reynolds number fluid flow dominated by viscosity flow is laminar and boundary layer is thick. Large reynolds number fluid flow influenced by inertial forces flow is turbulent and boundary layer is thin. Bigger animals have bigger reynolds number because although water viscosity is high. *to small animals) they can control it by causing turbulence propel themselves in water, cause thin boundary layer. Challenge for smaller animals is viscosity of fluid, challenge for larger animals is inertial forces (have more mass so limitation is how fast you can get that mass to move) (2) passive suspension feeders.