BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Ecological Niche, Ideal Free Distribution

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

We can describe the geographic range of a population. Color coded- shows the overall distribution, infer that these birds migrate. Map shows characteristic of species that show the geographic distribution. The ecological niche- all the abiotic conditions (temperature, nutrient levels) that this population can survive. Occur in all oceans that never become warmer than 80 degrees. The only time they can come on shore is for air. Horse gentian occurs in patches- geographic range is in canada. Don"t equally grow throughout- limited to certain river valleys. Some of these patches might only have very few/more individuals. 3 distribution model: puts two variables: habitat quality- good, poor, medium, population density, per capita benefit. If we have few animals (low density), most amount benefit you could possibly get, population increases with medium density- the per capita is less- share the limited resources with more individuals. High density- per capita has become even smaller.