BIO210Y5 Lecture 14: Lecture 14A

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11 May 2016

Document Summary

Regulate the ph and ion composition of interstitial fluids. Restrict fluid losses at injury sites (via clotting) Via transport of white blood cells and antibodies. Hematrocrit: the percentage of formed elements in a sample of whole blood. Hematopoiesis: formed elements develop in red bone marrow. Hematopoietic stem cells: multipotent stem cells found in red bone marrow of adults. Myeloid stem cells: give rise to all types of formed elements except for lymphocytes. Erythroblast stages: 4 days of differentiation => becomes normoblasts. **note: eryhtropoietin (epo):released into plasma when peripheral tissues are exposed to low oxygen concentrations (hypoxia). Can be released due to: anemia, declining blood flow to kidneys, decreasing oxygen content of air in lungs due to altitude or disease or damage to respiratory surfaces of lungs. Epo carried to areas of red bone marrow where it stimulates stem cells and developing red blood cells. Increasing affinity for oxygen in blood and mitochondria.