BIO310H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Pulmonary Artery, Thoracic Cavity, Pulmonary Circulation

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5 Dec 2016

Document Summary

In birds and mammals, the relationship between structure and function of both circulations is to maintain a lower pressure in pulmonary circulation compared to systemic. This lower bp is achieved by right side of heart. Due to the arrangement of the two series of heart chambers in parallel. The advantage of having this parallel is rapid time of transit (time between heart and pulmonary is rapid). Other animals: the pressure in right side of heart is similar to left side of heart. These animals may have gas exchange elsewhere (like on skin). The advantage of similar pressures is longer time for gas exchange. Fetus: bp is left and right side is similar. Note; you may be asked what the difference between birds and mammals function of heart versus fetus of the mammal/other animals is!! Not for labelling, just understand blood flow physiology and the advantage. Mixture is inevitable in frog heart, but there"s a mechanism to minimize this mixture.