HIS241H5 Lecture : nov10
Document Summary
Economic arguements- new markets sources for raw materials opportunity for capital investments industrial revolution increased capital available . Lennon wrote a book on imperialsm it is essential for capitalism it is the highest stage for capitalism. John hobson analyzed british overseas investment great bulk was not going to colonies but rather areas where profits could be made. Sociology was new shung peter ssaid imperialism is a consequence of atavism. Atavism schumpter since caveman days man has been aggressive and greedy and go after what they want. New imperialsm follows state regulation of mass education. Stressed social theory of workers ? imperialism see social welfare legistlation bismark ? he bought off the workers he brought in unemployment insurance pension etc. National presitige became important place in the sun adowa ethiopia. Evaeangalia took bible literally - early missionaries no training in ppl they wre trying to convert no understanding they were fundamentalist believe in heart and soul of gospel www. notesolution. com.