HIS306H5 Lecture : The Korean war

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Truman"s 1948 election: expected to loose to dewy but had majority vote, the voters also elected democrats into the congress. Of state: he was a hard liner, but not hard enough, advocating much tougher laws on eastern europe. Paul nitze: author of the nsc-68 which changed the way american viewed communism, was a assistant sec. of state. What the heck is going on in asia anyway: the us was encouraging the manchurians to drive the japense out during the war, rosevelt and churchill believed chinese needed assistance and asked stalin assisted. They did help the communist, mao didn"t think stalin was helpful enough: stalin throught mao was grandiose and unrealistic for an unsuccessful revolution. Americans concertn is that they don"t want to see communist victory in china, but the nationalist side isn"t strong nor together enough to defeat the communists- corruption within chung-kai check.

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