HIS306H5 Lecture : Lecture on the aftermath of stalin and the leaders that immediately followed him
Document Summary
Nikita khuruchev and the scoundrels" of the kremlin: the struggle for power after stalin"s death, stalin defined what communism meant for soviets, extensive labour camps, no opposition, allies that fell suspistion were repressed. What the leaders wanted was to change the political structure to protect themselves: peaceful coexsistance with the capitalist countries, they believed that there was different roads to socialism. 1956: khuchv wanted to be the voice of the reform that was an expert of the west, and by 57 he eliminated what he thought were the scoundrels that didn"t want any communication with the west. East germany berlin riot1953 what to do with east germany: beria"s arrested ended any change of unifying germany, beria believed that he was introducting reforms. Malenkov and kruchev shared power: both supported improving everyday life at the time, there was a lack of labour, high taxes. Lower of taxes, ease communications with the west and pinalized corruption.