POL114H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Red Army Faction, Guerrilla Warfare, State Terrorism

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26 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Began with the zealots assassinating the romans to drive them out of palestine. Problematic because (cid:498)one man"s terrorist is another man"s freedom fighter(cid:499) William r. polk violent politics seen as freedom fighters. Depends no on what they do, but rather on where international authorities stand. Us long denounced any gorilla forces in latin america, and those who were working for these gorilla forces were often. All revolutionary and anti-colonial struggles throughout history have generally begun with a phase of terrorism. Involved asymmetrical warfare where one power is much stronger than the other. Rare that an anti-colonial movement is going to have as much power as the colonial power they are trying to overthrow. Likely to bring on a strong reaction from the state being battled against, in turn driving more citizens toward the insurgency and against the colonial power. At first it meant the state engaging in acts of aggression against its people.

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