PSY230H5 Lecture : Evolution by natural selection

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Changes across generations in levels of characteristics. The variation in personality and physiological traits are unimportant to survival and reproduction. The importance of variation in combating infections by parasites. The ideal level of the characteristic might differ depending on environmental conditions that change from one time and place to another. The average level of a trait would gradually shift up or down within a given population in response to the features of its current environment: frequency dependent selection: We see a rough balance in the population between people who have a higher and lower level of the characteristic. The frequency dependence will prevent the levels of a trait from becoming extremely high or extremely low within a given society. Review table 7-1 page 148: evolution / sexuality. Men rank phys attractiveness more imp than wom (diffenrece = . 54) Women rank socio-econ stat & ambition more imp than man (diffeence= 0. 68)