SOC100H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: The Sociological Imagination, Altruistic Suicide, Industrial Revolution

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Sociology: the systematic study of human behaviour in social context. Our new world is one of virtually instant long-distance communication, global economies and culture, weakening nation-states, and technological advances that often make the daily news seen like reports from a distant planet. New technologies make work more interesting and creative for son, offering unprecedented opportunities to make money, but they also make work more routine for many others. The standard of living goes up for many people but stagnates for many more. Sociological maps: grasp the interplay of people and society, of biography and history (wright. The systematic study of human behaviour in social context. Historical shifts leading to the development of sociology: the industrial revolution and capitalism. From working with their family in farm or doing family business to working in factories (low wages + high work load: urbanization. Due to a lot of people/workers move to urban city to work: the rise of state and political revolutions.