SOC100H5 Lecture 11: Gender and Sexuality

SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Identification with or sense of belonging to a particular sex (biologically, psychologically, socially) Gender ideologies: set of ideas about what constitutes appropriate masculine and feminine roles and behaviours. Sex binary: newborn infant with ambiguous external genitalia resents a problem of sex assignment tend is frequently described as a clinical emergent situation that is distressing to parents (quote from doctors) Heteronormativity: holds that heterosexuality is the normal sexual orientation and assumes alignment between biological sex, gender identity, and gender roles. Gender risk factors: factors, economic development, poverty and gdp, wealth associated with safety, patriarchy, patriarchy and inequality, victim blaming for rape, honour killing, genital mutilation, public policy, equality and rights, secularity. Hegemonic masculinity: current, most culturally exalted way of being a man, standards of behaviour that all men are socialized to desire and to measure self against, supported by culture, organizations and social institutions.