SOC100H5 Lecture : Lecture Notes on Loss of Community
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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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The question mark in this ch. is very significant . The issue of doing good research and good theories. Of factories (late 1700 to 1800s) most human beings lived in either rural areas or in villages, small towns, or in farm land. Today most people live in urban areas and big cities. Machines being made to make production easier: required man power so many people moved to these urban areas to work the machines in factories (huge movement of people) Kids weren"t going to school then so they (males) were being apprenticed around the age of 10 or 12. Brought school in to the picture since many of the jobs required basic arithmetic and also basic reading and writing skills. 2 reasons to work in factories compared to living in rural areas: 1. You were kicked off (you gave a proportion of what you were producing to the landlords.