SOC231H5 Lecture : durkheim
Document Summary
Brief quiz worth of 5 before exam not only lecture notes but textbook too only 3 lectures. Weber rationalization revolution is impossible in the sense of turning upside down and starting afresh bureaucracy is to entrenched power holders it will continue. Durkheim concern of social justice and inequality not just stability. Web dubouis 1863 1963 founder of naacp. durkheim had a regular life compared to weber and marx. shift from gernman to french, he was first thinker to think of himself as sociogist. rules of sociological method is his book. main aim establish study fir socio distinct from psych and phil. socio is in between psych and philgrounds of human condition social facts make it different. social facts society a reality sui generis *unique) that cannot be reduced to individuals. whole is more than simply a sum of its parts. social facts have their own independent reality like things, external to individuals.