SOC244H5 Lecture : chapter 13 reading &lecture note

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Int roduction: key aspect of chapter: the combined effect of the environment, including the familial one, and of genetic inheritance in the development of siblings life course, at least 80% of canadians have at least one sibling. And it usually outlasts the parent-child relationship: when children reach adulthood in western cultures the sibling relationship continuing becomes optional. (other cultures aren"t) The sibling relationship begins: each child enters the family at a difference moment in its history and contributes to changing this environment. The only child becomes the older child: parents spend more time interacting with their children altogether but they have less time for each child individual + economic resources available per person diminish. o. Large sibling groups generally do not do as well at school, on average, as children from small families. (neither do they do better professionally as adults) Of parental resources: this means that parents have fewer nonexpendable resources for each.

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