SOC310H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Truancy, Crisis Intervention, Asian Boyz
Document Summary
Racism is a form of social exclusion which leads to deviance and crime. Example of gangs: aboriginal gangs, south asian gangs (warrior boyz) Follows the story of 3 south asian boyz, 2 of which are currently involved in a gang. The boy that isn"t talks about y he was first drawn towards gangs. A racist society played a role in youth gang affiliation. Gangs allowed for youth to assert aggressiveness and dominance because next time someone calls him a hindu , they will get it. Carding: the police stopping people randomly because they are black or brown and asking where they are going, name, and where they are from. Disproportionate numbers of racialized youth in the ycjs. Racial profiling is when the officer uses race as the only reason for stopping someone. Youth involved in the ycjs are typically canada"s poorest and most marginalized. The system perpetuates, reinforces, and sustains established hierarchies.