BIOC61H3 Lecture 7: Lecture 7
Document Summary
The full length lectures here are testable on the exam including the presentations in this class. I will give more tips to prepare for the final and what to expect. P: there hasn"t been a lot of group conversation/discussion this semester which is different. The population of students is different as well. From now on for the 2nd of the semester i want to see a little more discussion of issues that come up. There are many that should be close to your heart as they will affect your future. I will cover how it is measured and the key indexes. I will give definitions of various types of biodiversity (alpha, beta, and gamma). There are 3 types: species, genetic, and community diversity (ecosystem). There is also alpha, beta, and gamma diversity which we will talk about later. We have to see how to gage each ecosystem and within an ecosystem where there is a fixed number of species.