BIOD27H3 Lecture 7: BGYB30H3 Lecture 7 Notes Neuronal Integration-Oct 1

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BGYB30H3 Lecture 7 Notes
-spatial summation is the triggering of graded potentials from different pre-synaptic axon terminals
-temporal summation involves overlapping graded potentials triggered from the same pre-synaptic
axon terminals
-pre-synaptic boutons can act as post-synaptic terminals in which they are affected by other pre-
synaptic axon terminals (referred to as pre-synaptic modulation)
-pre-synaptic inhibition on a divergent neuron allows selective control of targets
-in pre-synaptic inhibition, one or more axon collaterals of a divergent neuron can be inhibited while
others are unaffected
-post-synaptic inhibition on a divergent neuron causes no response in divergent branches
-if responsiveness of a neuron is altered at the dendrites, all target cells are affected equally (referred to
as post-synaptic modulation)
-pre-synaptic modulation provides more precise control of downstream effects than post-synaptic
-growth cones are axons of embryonic nerve cells that are sent to target cells
-binding the growth cone to the target cell is referred to as cell-cell adhesion
-synaptogenesis is the formation of the synapse when growth cone reaches the target cell
-electrical and chemical activity must be established after or synapse will disappear
-if cell body dies, whole neuron dies as well
-if axon is injured, the axon nearest to the cell body survives while the other part dies (regenerates after)
-NMDA glutaminergic receptors are only active when depolarization is greater than -40mV
-when receptor is activated, the magnesium block is removed and calcium influx into the post-synaptic
cell occurs
-retrograde messengers increase glutamate release from glutamatergic neurons
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Document Summary

Spatial summation is the triggering of graded potentials from different pre-synaptic axon terminals. Temporal summation involves overlapping graded potentials triggered from the same pre-synaptic axon terminals. Pre-synaptic boutons can act as post-synaptic terminals in which they are affected by other pre- synaptic axon terminals (referred to as pre-synaptic modulation) Pre-synaptic inhibition on a divergent neuron allows selective control of targets. In pre-synaptic inhibition, one or more axon collaterals of a divergent neuron can be inhibited while others are unaffected. Post-synaptic inhibition on a divergent neuron causes no response in divergent branches. If responsiveness of a neuron is altered at the dendrites, all target cells are affected equally (referred to as post-synaptic modulation) Pre-synaptic modulation provides more precise control of downstream effects than post-synaptic. Growth cones are axons of embryonic nerve cells that are sent to target cells. Binding the growth cone to the target cell is referred to as cell-cell adhesion.

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