BIOD27H3 Lecture 8: BGYB30H3 Lecture 8 Notes CNS 1-Oct 6
BGYB30H3 Lecture 8 Notes
-the three parts of the peripheral nervous system are the autonomic nervous system, enteric
nervous system and the somatic motor division
-the autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle, adipose tissue, and endocrine
-the enteric nervous system controls the digestive system
-the somatic motor division controls skeletal muscles
-a nerve net is found in jellyfish to control and coordinate movement
-flatworms have the simplest nervous system in animals with nerve cell bodies restricted to the
-segmented worms have ganglia to allow spinal reflexes which are not controlled by the brain
-in vertebrates, the forebrain contains the cerebrum and the cerebellum
-animal brains increase in complexity and specialization
-dorsal is the top part of the brain and ventral is the bottom part of the brain
-neural plate is the region in the embryo that forms the CNS
-cells migrate up the neural groove to form the neural tube, causing the deepening of the
neural groove
-at day 23 of embryo development, a neural tube forms with the lumen inside it with a wall
lining (ependyma cells)
-the lumen forms the ventricles of the CNS while the lining forms the gap junctions and neural
stem cells
-the outer layer of the neural tube becomes neurons and glial cells
-neural crest become sensory and motor neurons of the PNS
-in week 4, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain become specialized in the neural tube
-the seven major regions of the brain form in week 6 of embryo development
-at week 11, growth of cerebrum accelerates and covers diencephalon and midbrain
-the bone, connective tissue, and fluid protect the brain and spinal cord
-the brain is encased in the cranium (skull) while the spinal cord is protected by a vertebrate
-the three types of connective tissue are dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater
-dura mater is the thickest tissue and is the first layer of connective tissue
-arachnoid mater has the form of a spider and is the second layer
-the pia mater contains arteries that supply blood to the brain and is the thinnest layer
-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lies under the pia mater and is different from the body interstitial
fluid in that it has a different chemical composition
-CSF has no RBCs, has low potassium and calcium but higher hydrogen atoms
-CSF is secreted from the choroid into the ventricles of the brain and circulates the brain to
cushion it and the spinal cord; flows through the subarachnoid space
-the CSF is absorbed by the blood villi on the arachnoid membrane to eliminate wastes
-the blood t brain barrier is between the CSF and the blood
-tight junctions are found on brain capillaries, caused by astrocytes
-tight junctions allow no proteins to pass the blood t brain barrier and only allow selected
hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules to pass
Document Summary
The three parts of the peripheral nervous system are the autonomic nervous system, enteric nervous system and the somatic motor division. The autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle, adipose tissue, and endocrine control. The enteric nervous system controls the digestive system. A nerve net is found in jellyfish to control and coordinate movement. Flatworms have the simplest nervous system in animals with nerve cell bodies restricted to the head. Segmented worms have ganglia to allow spinal reflexes which are not controlled by the brain. In vertebrates, the forebrain contains the cerebrum and the cerebellum. Dorsal is the top part of the brain and ventral is the bottom part of the brain. Neural plate is the region in the embryo that forms the cns. Cells migrate up the neural groove to form the neural tube, causing the deepening of the neural groove.