MGAB03H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Icq, Variable Cost, Fixed Cost

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3. 23 cost function, breakeven: this problem gives information in units, so use the formula tc = v*q + f to determine variable cost. The average cost must first be turned into total cost: Total cost for 1,200 units is *1,200 = ,800. Total cost for 1,400 units is *1,400 = ,000. Use the two-point method (change in cost divided by change in volume) to determine the variable cost: Variable cost = (287,000 280,800)/(1,400 1,200) V = : turn sales into units and use profit = (s-v)*q f. Revenue / selling price per unit = number of units. Variable cost is sh. 12 plus selling costs of sh. 02 = sh. 14 per unit. Use the breakeven equation, and then solve for the unknown amount of fixed costs: F = ,664: there can only be one breakeven point within the relevant range, so the breakeven point is first calculated for the first range.

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