GGRB28H3 Lecture : Lecture 5
Document Summary
colonial histories of wide global disparities in health. world unequal in health major reason of this is because of colonialism. world war 2 important period in terms of institutions such as the world bank etc. colonialism most happened in the 19th century. opposite of technocratic -> technocratic means you emphasis a technological solution to health, so with malaria you would spray with ddt. black people weren"t given rights, they were being colonized. at the same time there was a sense that the world needed to work together so that they didn"t generate another war in the period after the second world war there was an atomic bomb. either you had countries joining the soviet block or the western world the markets * in the west world* western government in nigeria -> sprayed ddt everywhere but didn"t t ry to reduce malnutrition or increase food production or improve water supply.