HISB40H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Parti Canadien, Le Canadien, Lower Canada
Document Summary
Today"s age(cid:374)da: lower canada: the road to rebellion, rebellion in lower canada, 1837-1838, upper canada: the road to rebellion, rebellion in upper canada, 1837, afte(cid:396)(cid:373)ath: lo(cid:396)d du(cid:396)ha(cid:373)"s repot, group presentations. Ethnic tensions escalate: french residents blame british (especially irish) immigrants for being carriers of the disease. Increased crop failures after 1815 due to years of cultivation without fertilization. Crop diseases and insects such as the wheat midge. International events: war of 1812 disrupted trade; grain prices drop following the. French habitants increasingly unhappy with tithes and taxes. A professional class emerges in the colony that embraces liberal, reformist, democratic ideas and is critical of the catholic church and seigneurs. Advocated government reform: increased powers of the legislative assembly; limited powers of the executed council. A professional class fills ranks of the parti canadien (later the parti patriote from 1826) Limits to reform: professional class is politically radical but economically conservative.