MGEA02H3 Lecture : Lecture notes week 12
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Last week of classes (monday, wednesday and thursday) : review class on thursday (regular time available on video) Thursday 1 2 pm & monday december 7 1 4pm. Exports goods and services sold to other countries. Imports goods and services purchased from other countries. Quota a limit imposed on the total value or quantity of a good that can be imported each year. About 40% of the goods and services we produce each year are exported. About 35- 40% of the value of all goods we consume each year are imported, which is up from 15% in 1961. Bigger percentage than germany, france, mexico, china, u. s. japan. In absolute terms, canada is one of the top ten trading countries in the world. More than 80% with u. s. about billion of exports and about billion of imports. N motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment; chemicals, plastics, fertilizers; wood pulp,