PSYB51H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Opponent Process, Color Theory, Subtractive Color

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Week 5 june 5 th , 2015. With color we perceive something that doesn"t exist: and we are extraordinarily good at it and efficient, even though the task is actually infinitively ambiguous. Univariance: an infinite set of different wavelength-intensity combinations can elicit exactly the same response from a single type of photoreceptor: one type of photoreceptor cannot make color discriminations based on wavelength. Also responds differently depending on light energy: only the response of a receptor will tell us something about what light we are looking at. However, the output of one cone is completely ambiguous. The entire spectrum could create the same response. Young-helmholtz (-maxwell) theory: theory of trichromatic color vision: color vision is based on three photoreceptors sensitive to a particular range of wavelengths, maxwell"s color matching technique. Can recreate monochromatic light by mixing three different monochromatic light sources. E. g. , blue light can be created from blue, green, and red.

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