PSYC23H3 Lecture 11: PSYC23 - Lecture 11 - Mar29.docx

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In a situation that is very challenging, there will be a lot of reserve in the vagus allowing the ability to deal with the challenge: like having a lot of savings in the bank for emergencies. Difficulty inhibiting emotions: stimulating the vagus nerve artificially --> sometimes helps these depressed individuals. -> can"t really tell; measures are indirect measures of the smart vagus. Indirect methods: rsa = respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Breathing out --> surge in vagal nerve activation; vagal system is highly activated. -> heart slows way down --> increases heart rate variability (the time from one heart beat to the next); the longer you breathe out, the slower your heart beats. Inhaling --> inhibits vagal activity --> increases heart rate --> decrease in heart rate variability: heart rate variability --> measuring time between heart beats --> indirect measure of the new vagus. Remember: vagus system analogous to breaks on a car.