ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Linguistic Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Melford Spiro
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Seeks to understand contemporary society and cultures around the world. Unlike biological anth as it is natural and biological facts of human life. Intellectual focus (why do socio-cultural do what they do) Ethnography challenges us to think differently (think outside the box) Decentering, deconstructing, denaturalizing (taken for granted as true) Jacques derrida (1930-2004) shows 3 epiphanies (copernican, darwinian, freudian revolution) Job of cultural anthropology is to make the starnge familiar and the familiar strange (melford. Nacirema (norace miner) what it would be like if you were an anthropologist from another country, not america and observing america. Anthropological knowledge promotes and facilitates cross cultural understanding. Widely used concepts include chinese-canadian culture, corporate, popular, etc . Anthropological concept of culture is not just arts and literature, not bounded by ethnic or national groups. Refers to totality f behaviors, beliefs, values and ideals. Learned, acquired through social interaction (constantly changing, shared, blueprint of social life, abstract)