CLA232H1 Lecture : Hesiod's 'Theogony'
Document Summary
gods as others" different than the other kinds of others (foreigners, slaves, women), because to the others they are superior, but to the gods they"re inferior. comparing one"s self to the gods is dangerous, because gods are always superior to mortals, and mortals must never forget that. This is a useful form of alterity too, because it helps human beings think about their limitations. Thinking about the gods helped the greeks come to terms with those limitations and the hardships of human existence. greek gods were uniquely good for thinking about humanity because they were both similar to and different than men. gods have infinite power (over the land, over mortals (the hierarchy of god over mortal t rumps man over woman) myth of eos and tithonus, eos goddess of dawn falls in love with mortal tithonus.