ENG215H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Canadian Literature

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17 Sep 2018

Document Summary

A counter to romanticized version of farming and is ground in realism and what they do in daily and the trial and tribulations and not a romantic version. The land can be harsh but regenerating, isolating and a place of sanctuary. Landscape talk about eternal state of mind prairie as a state of mind metaphysical reflection external setting and a reflection of a state of mind and emotions of those status. Grove and ross both display representation of prairie women and their participation not just the men farming the land but also the women as well the farming places difficulties on their family. Also the intro could be seen as not having the obstruction of the city and just being able to see clearly of what things are. The (cid:374)e(cid:454)t paragraph starts (cid:449)ith (cid:862)(cid:455)et(cid:863) a(cid:374)d i(cid:374)trodu(cid:272)es the te(cid:374)sions in her life disappointment, repressed angers.

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