HIS317H1 Lecture Notes - Execution By Firing Squad, Adolf Eichmann, Ghetto Uprising
Document Summary
All germans in a greater germany : against versailles, remilitarizing the rhineland, anschluss with austria. Zeyss-inquart chancellor of austria: sudeten germans. Hitler will set his sights on the sudetenland after the anschluss with austria. Hitler is now pressing for annexation of sudetenland. Premier meet in munich to resolve this issue: munich conference 1938: peace in our time. Essentially capitulate to hitler"s demands and give him the land. Appeasement of hitler has brought peace in out time- chamberlain. Believed this would satisfy hitler and save czechoslovakia. Germany take sudetenland and on march 1st 1939 he takes it all: kristallnacht: the night of broken glass , november 9th, 1938. Nazis continue to policy of tyring to force jews to emigrate. Polish born jews- october 1938 expelled from germany and put into camp. One of relatives of people in camp kills german ambassador. Starts kristallnacht, persecution of german and austrian.