HIS263Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Fenian Raids, Charlottetown Conference, Joseph Howe

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12 Dec 2013

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Lecture 20 and 21 road to confederation and making the dominion. Pressure from britain for unification of colonies. The trent affair nov, 1861, american warship seized two confederate envoys on their way to england to secure resistance for the south. The great coalition union of canada east and canada west to form a federation. Charlottetown conference nova scotia, new brunswick and pei consider union among themselves. Afraid of being drawn into religious struggles between canada east and west they begin talks and organize a meeting to push for self unification. Quebec conference delegates present 72 resolutions, these became the british north america. Debate between the canadas, antoine dorion felt english canada was presenting confederation as a tool for their own gain. Felt english/canadian representation from canada west and the maritimes would outnumber. George cartier tried to prove confederation would be political and not cultural as much of the. Final vote on confederation, 91 for and 33 against.

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