POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Four Modernizations, Democracy Wall, New Culture Movement
Document Summary
World sees a declining form of government with democracy"s image declining. Global story, china is a global model that is compelling and an alternative to fukuyama"s and an alternative to modern democracy. The people"s wishes for and needs for democracy and freedom are irresistible. Premier wen jia-bao, interview with cnn, september 23, 2010. There is potential for reform at the same time there is no potential to reform. Limpest test on modernization theory is used to predict whether china becomes democratic. End of the qing dynasty (opium war with england. China, and many were becoming addicted) china fought back this was and got destroyed. Goal to rebuild modified, unified china with reflection. Sun yat- sen three principles of the people , end of rule of empororer beginning of nation. There is no alternative to chinese communist party. Few freedoms of press , speech and assembly.