POL214Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Economic Mobility, Consumerism, David Easton

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10 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Pol 214 - lecture 1 - january 8th, 2018. David easton : a political system can be designated as those interactions through which values are authoritatively allocated. (from his book system. Analysis of political life ) r. 73 most common framework for the study of canadian politics. Inspired by physics: systems, what comes out and what goes in. Inputs : demand and support (influenced by the enviro (aboriginals, bilingualism), new demand can arise depending on what happens) Demand of legalization of marijuana, public opinion, (licensing of businesses is provincial), what interest groups want. Support for platforms of a party, election results, things that go on in the media (could also be a demand) cost any money. Outputs : allocative (policy making and application) and symbolic. Symbolic marijuana, speech of the pm, appointments (to senate, order of canada), doesn"t. Allocative spending money, allocation of money. Feedback : first time that this term is used to describe political themes/ideas.

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