English 3554E Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Mina Loy

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Artist during a time where representing the female body was rejected, seen as improper. Mina drew beautiful bodies that her school praised her on, but her mother thought them to be heinous and would force her to get all her work approved by her mother. Then moved to art school in munich for freedom and then moved to montparnasse in. Child named oda died 2 days after 1st birthday from meningitis. Separated from husband (haweis) in 1906 but got back together when she was pregnant with their second child joella. Painting in which she portrays woman as object, dissolving into clothing. Used materials she found around the neighbourhood. Lived amongst many homeless people who would bring her scraps to use. If they grew they would end up scuffing each other and pushing each other away revolving. Her wordplay is how she constructs the meaning of the text. The child longs to slink back to before the flood, the womb.

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