Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Learning Management System, Instructional Design, Task Analysis

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Employee development: the combination of formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers. Instructional design: a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs. Learning management system: a computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training and development programs. Needs assessment: the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees" tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any, are necessary. Organization analysis: a process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization. Person analysis: a process for determining individuals" needs and readiness for training. Task analysis: the process of identifying the tasks and competencies that training should emphasize. Readiness for training: a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training. Elearning: receiving training via the internet or the organization"s intranet.