Management and Organizational Studies 2276A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Punitive Damages, False Imprisonment, Making False Statements

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Ontario court of appeal high court: will set a binding precedent for all trial courts in ontario, highly respected court so will be persuasive for other provinces. Mrs. mallet was in a serious car accident, dr. shulman performed a lifesaving blood transfusion. Dr. shulman (defendant) appealed: appeal was dismissed. Ratio of the case: what treatment could be provided to the plaintiff. Guardian ad litem means litigation guardian, fortey is a minor so he needed a legal guardian to bring the case fourth. 2 police officers find mr fortey suffering from an obvious head injury: he id drunk, angry, aggressive and obstanent. Police want to take him to hospital: he says to get away from him. Sues that police for negligence: negligent for not taking him to the hospital against his will. One happened at the hospital, one happened on the side of the road. One was a minor, one was an adult. Supreme court of canada case important.