Political Science 2231E Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Strategic Defense Initiative, George W. Bush, Preemptive War

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South korea spend 20% of wealth on military due to threat from nk. Canada 6th biggest spender on military in nato. 60% of military spending done by superpower. Aggression: initiation of war without, for one"s interests. Pre-emptive war: country decides to initiate war but justifies it as self-defence. George w bush said us must counter threats before they emerge. Collective security: coalition building strategy in which a group of nations agree not to attack each other and to defend each other against an attack from one of the others. Military force is last resort, its on the decline. All for one and one for all. Military intervention: send forces inside country to achieve political goal that pertains to. In international law, there are some types of warfare that are illegal. Self defense can be legitimized if you break rules. Scares countries from attacking countries with these weapons.