Psychology 2035A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Reciprocal Liking, Physical Attractiveness, Heterosexism
Document Summary
Close relationships: those that are important, interdependent, and long lasting. Attraction: the initial desire to form a close relationship. Proximity: refers to the geographic, residential, and other forms of spatial closeness. The mere exposure effect: an increase in positive feelings toward a novel stimulus (ex. a person) based on frequent exposure to it. Neonate qualities: baby face qualities, such as large eyes, prominent cheekbones, a small nose, and full lips. Grooming qualities: include cosmetics, hairstyle, clothing, and accessories. The matching hypothesis: proposes that people of similar levels of physical attractiveness gravitate toward each other. Parental investment theory: maintains that a species" mating patterns depend on what each sex has to invest - in terms of time, energy, and survival risk - to produce and nurture offspring. Model suggests that men will compete with each other for mating opportunities with women, who will tend to be more discriminating and picky in selecting their partners.