Psychology 2410A/B Lecture : Lecture 4

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Study the brain from many perspectives- gross anatomy all the way down to sub cellular level, molecular connections, etc. Central nervous sysytem (cns): brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system (pns): everything else outside of the skull and the spine. Serves to bring information into the cns (afference=arrival) and send information out of cns (effernece= exit). Nerves go throughout the entire body, with different concentrations at different parts. Subsystems: y somatic nervous system: afferent nerves (sensory) and efferent nerves (motor-tell your muscles to contract, working voluntary muscles and conscious sensations y autonomic nervous system: running the automatic bodily functions, sympathetic (involved in activation) vs parasympathetic (opposite). second stage neurons are near target organ: therefore, these two subsystems interplay to control (on/off) many functions y cranial nerves (12, each specialized for sensory processing). When blood goes through these at high pressure, some fluid leaks out into cerebrospinal fluid into the space between pia mater and arachnoid membrane.