HR100 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Main Source, Economic Sanctions, International Court

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Tuesday, february 28, 2017: membership, 5 permanent members the great powers: china, russia, America, france, england and germany: they have a veto power, ultimately without the great powers the un would be unsuccessful i. e. league of nations, the other 10 members are elected every two years. International court of justice ( icj world court) It is a charter organ because it was created under the un charter. Tuesday, february 28, 2017: universal periodic review of human rights in all states every five years. No matter if you"re a member or not you are reviewed: gongo"s, the government organized ngo which they says the government is doing a good job, promotes human rights education and capacity building, weak enforcement measures. Iccpr, icescr, crc, cat, cedaw, cerd: there called treaty monitoring bodies because they were created by those treaties, main enforcement mechanism is periodical reports, some of these committees allow individual communications,

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