CHEM 1030 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: 30 Foot Fall, Heinrich Hertz, Electromagnetic Spectrum

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CHEM 1030 Full Course Notes
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The doppler effect: wave motion is independent of its source. Refraction: refraction refers to bending of light waves, materials of different refractive index (ability to bend light) slow the passage of light to different degrees, depends on frequency. Absorption: asphalt absorbs sunlight and causes a change in the refractive property of the greatly heated air above the rod which causes mirages (looks like water on the road from a great distance) Heinrich hertz (late 1800s: hertz discovered radio waves which are very long wavelength electromagnetic waves, wave frequency is now named after hertz. Electromagnetic spectrum- orders of magnitude: radio waves, range: kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz, longest waves, microwaves, range: 1mm to 1m. Technology: am and fm transmission, modulation is the technical term for adding information to a signal (wave, microwave ovens- energy absorbed by water heats up the food. Infrared radiation: range: 1mm to 1um, all warm objects emit radiation.