BIO 1406 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Georges Cuvier, Biogeography, Speciation

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A new era of biology began in 1859 when charles darwin published ______________ The origin of species focused biologists" attention on the great diversity of organisms. Darwin noted that current species are descendants of ancestral species. Evolution can be defined by darwin"s phrase ______________ Evolution can be viewed as both a pattern and a process. Concept 22. 1: the darwinian revolution challenged traditional ______________ inhabited by unchanging species. ______________ interpreted organismal adaptations as evidence that the creator had designed each species for a specific purpose. Linnaeus was the founder of taxonomy, the branch of biology concerned with classifying organisms. He developed the binomial format for naming species (for example, homo sapiens) The study of ________ helped to lay the groundwork for darwin"s ideas. Fossils are remains or traces of organisms from the past, usually found in sedimentary rock, which appears in layers called ________ ________, the study of fossils, was largely developed by french scientist georges cuvier.