CHEM 1A Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Intermolecular Force, Hydrogen Bond, Electronegativity

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19 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Dipole-dipole= difference in electronegativity creates dipole, a partially neg. side and a partially pos. , opposite charges attract, static charge, giving nice strong intermolecular force. Hydrogen bonding= electronegativity difference between element like o with h. Gases will get closer to potential energy 0 the farther away molecules are from each other. Constantly shrinking or increasing gpressure as volume increases/shrinks respectively. P(cid:396)essu(cid:396)e does(cid:374) t cha(cid:374)ge at so(cid:373)e poi(cid:374)t afte(cid:396) you s(cid:395)ueeze gas. Some gas is just turning into a liquid the reason for the same pressure at one point is because phase change is happening. Higher the temp. harder it is to detect phase change. Temp. decreases, condensation occurs pressure inside much lower than outside therefore can crushes. Triple point-where solid liquid and gas all meet at one spot, all three phases can coexist happily.