BIO 227 Lecture 20: BIO 227 Lecture 20

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31 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Herbivores surrounded by low-quality food, hard to digest. Carnivores have high-quality food, easy to digest, trick is acquisition: water, cover. Owl, desert lizards, fennec fox, black tailed prairie dog. Ducks, rabbits: dirt or dust baths (african elephants, american bison) Reduction in important elements, change in successional stage. Types- pollution, chemicals, toxins, noise, light, etc. Snags- standing dead trees, vital habitat element for some species (ex. Kirtland"s warbler bird breeds only in stands of young jack pine, early successional forests. Change harms some species while benefitting others. Mediterranean, woodlands, and scrubs used to be heavily converted. Results in: reduced habitat area, increased edge effects, fragmentation. As area is reduced, so is number of species it can support. Brazil"s coastal forest reduces so golden lion tamarin becomes endangered.