KINE 250 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Psychoneuroimmunology, Learned Helplessness

32 views2 pages
5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Psychological health: sum of how we think, feel, relate, and exist in our day-to-day lives. Maslow"s hierarchy of needs: hierarchy that must be met before we can be mentally healthy: survival needs (food, water, sleep, security needs (shelter, protection, social needs (belonging, acceptance, esteem needs (self-respect, respect for others, self-actualization (creativity, spirituality) Ability to sort through information and think rationally & accurately. Ability to respond appropriately to upsetting events. Can listen, express themselves, form healthy attachments. Spirituality: individual"s sense of peace, purpose, and connection to others. Refers to a sense of belonging to something greater than physical or personal dimensions of existence. Self-efficacy: belief in one"s ability to perform a task successfully. Positive experiences shared with those who are significant to us. Learned helplessness: giving up because of repeated past failure. Optimism: teaching oneself to be optimistic; positive affirmations. Forms of our verbal and non-verbal expression convey: Influences the way we feel, interact, decisions we make, how much we care.