PSY 034 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Four Modernizations, Cultural Revolution, Korean War
Document Summary
Both superpowers wanted to have some what influence in the east asia japan and china. Nationalist [gmd] and communist [ccp] had many clashes yet they united themselves in the second united front in 1937 to fight japanese. New democracy", mao"s approach to marxism-leninism socialism could only be achieved through the proletariat leading broadly based alliances of classes. Jiang initiated peace talks between gmd and ccp in 1945 by the 1946 negotiations were a deadlock and internal fighting took place marshall sent by us to reach a peace however neither of the sides would conces. Manchuria was soviet area and it was said that ccp was to take control of it once soviets withdraw. In 1949, gmd fled into taiwan and ccp proclaimed its victory by establishing people"s republic of china on 1st of october. 1949 in beijing, dedicating itself to: eradication of corruption, anti-social practices, approach of new democracy. China, japan and the cold war in asia.