BIO 124 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Endosymbiont, Excavata, Cellular Differentiation

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Combination organisms- show evidence of archaeal and bacterial origins. Endosymbiont theory- mitochondria & plasmids were formally small prokaryotes that began living in larger cells. Anaerobic host cell- beneitted from endosymbionts ability to take advantage of aerobic world. Heterotrophs host cell- beneited from nutrients produced by photosynthetic symbiont. Serial endosymbiosis- mitochondria evolved before plasmids through a sequence of endosymbiotic events. First multicellular forms= colonies- collections of cells that are connected to one another but show little or no cellular diferentiation. Volvox- multicellular green algae forms monophyletic group w/ single celled algae. Alveolates: have membrane bound sacs (alveoli) under plasma membrane. Dinolagellates: have 2 lagella reinforced by cellulose playes. Cercozoans: amoeboid & lagellated protists w/ threadlike pseudopodia. Red algea: color due to phycoerythrin, pigment that"s masks green. Amoebozoans: free living amoebae, lobe or tube shaped. Slime molds were thought to belong to this group.