PSY 240 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Psychopathology, Epigenetics, Cerebral Cortex

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Explain behavior in terms of a single cause. Could mean a paradigm, school, or conceptual approach. Tend to ignore information from other areas. System of influences that cause and maintain suffering. Fainted in biology class while watching frog dissection video. Avoid situations where might see blood or injury (e. g. , magazines that might have gory pictures) Also hard to look at raw meat, band-aids, etc. Deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) the double helix. Determine parts of physical and mental characteristics. Development and behavior is almost always polygenetic. Generally speaking, genes account for less than 50% of variations in psychopathology. The genetic structure of cells actually changes as a result of learning experiences. E. g. , an inactive gene may become active because of environmental influences. Diathesis-stress model: disorders are the result of underlying risk factors combining with life stressors that cause a disorder to emerge. The interaction of genetic and environmental effects. Outcomes are a result of interactions between genetic vulnerabilities and experience.

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