BIOL 211 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Apple Maggot, Ecological Niche, Sympatry

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Populations or species that live in the same geographic area, close enough to interbreed, live in sympatry. Researchers traditionally believed that speciation could not occur among sympatric populations. Gene flow would overwhelm any differences among populations created by genetic drift and natural selection. However, recent studies show that sympatric speciation can occur. Speciation that occurs among populations within the same geographical area. A species" niche is: the range of ecological resources that it can use, the range of conditions that it can tolerate. Even though sympatric populations are not geographically isolated. Disruptive selection can cause them to adapt to different ecological niches, leading to reproductive isolation. Apple maggot flies feed and mate on apple fruits, and hawthorn flies feed and mate on hawthorn fruits. Each species responds most strongly to its own fruit"s scent. Each species avoids the scent of the other fruit. A fly"s ability to distinguish between scents has a genetic basis.

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