CHEM 10052 Lecture Notes - Lecture 35: Locant, Phenol, Substituent

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Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications: identify the parent chain, which should include the carbon that the oh is attached to, identify and name the substituents, assign a locant (and prefix if necessary) to each substituent. Give the carbon that the oh is attached: list the numbered substituents before the parent name to the lowest number possible in alphabetical order. Ignore prefixes (except iso) when ordering alphabetically: the oh locant is placed either just before the parent name or just before the -ol suffix, 12. 1 alcohol nomenclature, alcohols are named using the same procedure we used in. Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications: identify the parent chain, 12. 1 alcohol nomenclature, alcohols are named using the same procedure we used in. Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications: assign a locant (and prefix if necessary) to each substituent.