CHEM-UA 109 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Casparian Strip, Chon, Xylem

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Plant nutrition and transport: need chnops (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphate, and sulfur, co2 through leaves, but ps comes from roots a. i. Co2 makes sugars and energy within plant a. ii. Roots need h20 move through xylem and evaporates through leaves: roots, water centered in roots, root hairs increase surface area, stems a. In dicot, vascular tissue moves from center fo root to edge a. i. Some water flows within cell through plasmodesmata a. i. 1. Some move through cell wall and never have to cross cell membrane: casparian strip goes all the way across cell and makes water force its way through a membrane (to have control, transpiration, xylem pull a. i. Xylem is dead at maturity if you go up to leaf, water is evaporating out a. i. 1. Everytime a water molecule evaporates out, water is pulled up: phloem push b. i. Sugar will flow from high sugar concentration to low sugar concentration b. iii. Sugar moves from sugar to leaves (source to sink) b. iii. 1. a.