EEOB 2510 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Phalanx Bone, Plane Joint

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Lecture 5- joints of the lower limb 1-21-16. Most joints in body are synovial joints based on structure. Pubic symphysis- anterior joint between the two hip bones, caliginous joint, amphrithroic- slight movement. Distal ibioibular joint- two distal ends between the two leg bones, when they come together distally it forms a ibrous joint, syndesmosis, synarthroic most the ime- immoveable joint, someimes it can be amphrithroic (dorsal lexion posion in the foot) Sacroiliac joint- going to be a synovial joint, sacrum and hip bone (ilium secion) come together. Hip joint- head of femur into acetabulum, mostly freely moveable, ball and socket joint. Knee joint- ibiofemoral joint, hinge joint, just the ibia and the femur not the ibula, knee cap=plane joint. Proximal iboibular joint- head of ibula ariculates with the ibia, plane joint. Ankle joint- ibia and ibula with talus, dorilexion and plantarlexion are the only movements, hinge joint.